On thursday we woke up early and took a ferry to this island called devonport. we hiked up one volcano, and it was soooo cool. as we headed back down an old lady stopped us and gave us "the hike that only the people of devonport know" long story short we found an abandoned military tunnel from one side of the hill face to under the cliffs and ends up one the cliff face right next to the shore. walked on the path stopped at a beach, changed in a cave, and swam in this isolated cove, diving off rocks and sunbathing. sooo cool. then we went back to the town at devenport, found a hole in the wall fish and chips place that you would have loved. all the locals were there and they just wrapped it up in newspaper. I got the fisherman's special, with fried prawns, oysters, mussels, crap stick and scallops. amazing then we all ate in the park, took the ferry back, went to class, and then had a party in one of the kids (davede) rooms. oh and while swimming ran my knee into an underwater rock
friday: woke up early, took ferry to the island whahekie. i probably miss spelled it but whatever. took a six and a half hour hike along the cliffs of the coast. we think we hiked around 11 miles of cliffs. it was gorgeous. saw so many pretty sights. the kiwis (the people) are so nice. this one guy in the beginning could tell we were lost and walked us over to the beginning of the trail, then gave us suggestions. 5 hours later we saw him on the road and he pulled over and talked to us. i got hurt on a swing (so me) but am ok now, just bruised. Another guy offered us beer from his porch, because we looked tired and thirsty. We didn't stop, but it just goes to show you how friendly everyone is. Everyone gave us directions. It rained some of the time, but felt good because it was hot. The locals on the trail apologized for the weather, again being ridiculously nice. We found a stand where a local was selling jam, but she wasn't there. There was just prices and a jar for money. Again, something that just would not happen in the US. We bought kiwi jam (amazing) and bread and had that for lunch. We hiked through a nudist beach, which was very funny because we were in our full hiking gear, while everyone else had on less..... I enjoyed the view in the ocean instead of the one on the beach. The end of our hike was the best beach of all of new zealand, where we chilled on the beach and got to listen to live music. To date (meaning in March) my second favorite day of the trip.

Ok, now Saturday.
woke up early again. Went on a school field trip. We did a tour of Auckland on a bus for an hour. We took a short hike where we learned about plants. We went to black sand dunes and swam in a black sand lake, where we covered our selves in mud. The black sand is from the bblack sand beach, and years of wind have blown the sand there. Originally there was a forest where the dunes are, but the Maori had burnthe forest down in order to hunt the giant bird, the Moa. The Moa is about 6 feet tall and flightless. It is extinct becasue the Maori thought it tasted way too good. We played this game where you jump of the edge of the steepest sand dune, and try to see who can jump the farthest. Its like jumping of the edge of a ski precipice, but landing in sand because its soo seep, you are in the air for a very long time and you can go very far. The farthest someone went was 25 feet. I face planted a couple of times. After this we went to a vineyard, where I learned I liked Riesling wine (did i spell that right). Finally we went to the local pub where we shared a bunch of drinks. This pub is called Fordes, and our whole group is good friends with the pub owner. The bar is closing this weekend, and everyone is said to see the owner, Thom, go. We went out to a punk bar where they played American music, and everyone had a go time being goofy and singly loudly to the songs

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